3 Day Search Ends After Woman Finds Reading Glasses on Her Head




lost glasses

A pair of glasses missing for three days in or around the home of 48-year-old Tina Blane have been found in good condition on top of Mrs Blane’s head.

The glasses, thought to have either been left at a friend’s house, a café, the movies or misplaced somewhere in the house appear to have been sitting on top of the relieved woman’s head the entire time.

The search, which began when the middle-aged mother of three went to read a recipe from her iPad around dinner time on Tuesday, stretched over three arduous days as lounge cushions were upturned, countless draws rummaged through, and the car’s glove box checked at least eight times.

“There were a lot of tense moments,” said Mrs Blane’s exhausted husband Rob, who finally spotted the glasses tangled in his wife’s hair.” If she had made me look in my shed one more time, I would have killed her! I mean, why would they be in there?!”

Thirteen-year-old Melanie Blane said she refused to help look as it was the “millionth” time her mother had lost her glasses this week. “They’re usually on top of the fridge or fallen behind her bedside table”, said Melanie. “One time, she found them in the dog kennel. I didn’t notice them on her head because I didn’t care.” 

Mrs Blane, who was thankful to all those who did participate in the search efforts, said she’s determined it will be the last time she loses them. “People tell me I should get one of those strings you attach to them that go around your neck, but I don’t want to look like a little old lady! I just have to remember where I put them down, that’s all”.

Mrs Blane’s glasses were reported lost again several hours later.