50 Year Olds Claim 50 is the New 49




With more and more 50-year-olds not only looking and acting like 49-year-olds but also enjoying a lifestyle comparable to a person one whole year their junior, it’s no wonder these 50-year-olds are claiming 50 is the new 49.

Geoff (50) - Likes cheap wine

50-year-old car mechanic Geoff says he still carries on like a 49-year-old and doesn’t care what anybody thinks. “Back when I was 49,” says Geoff, “I spent every Saturday night watching TV and drinking cheap wine until I fell asleep on the couch… and I still do that now!”

Lisa (50) - Single and made fun of.

Single, 50-year-old cleaner, Lisa, says friends make fun of her for carrying on like a 49-year-old but thinks they’re all just jealous. “Why shouldn’t I dress and act like a 49-year-old when I still have the body of one?” said Lisa. “And I still sit alone in my apartment scrolling aimlessly through Tinder just like I did back when I was 49.” 

Nick (50) - Heart attack

Nick, also 50, recently had a massive heart attack and spent several months in hospital. These days, Nick has lost a lot of mobility, but it hasn’t stopped him from acting just like he did back in the glory days of 49. “I still eat at McDonald’s every day, and I don’t exercise at all. Just like I did before the heart attack”, said Nick. “I figure age is just a number, and you can’t let that rule your life.”

Nick suffered a fatal second heart attack following the publication of this article. 


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