Couple Who Clicked 'Going' to Friend's Facebook Event Admit They Are a 'Maybe' at Best




In an incident that has shocked a small group of friends, a couple who were invited to a birthday party via a Facebook event and clicked “going” have admitted they are not really interested and are a “maybe” at best.

Nick and Susan Petersen, 46, say they are a little sick of hanging out with the same old crowd and, despite clicking “going,” are now wondering if they wouldn’t prefer to just stay at home and watch something on Netflix.

Silvia Mathews, 47, who created the event and put a lot of work into the picture of a champagne bottle and firecrackers using images she got off Google, said she was disappointed and confused as to why her friends clicked “going” when they obviously had no intention of turning up at all. 

“If they don’t want to come, that’s fine, but I’m organising finger food,” said a distraught Mrs Mathews. “They can’t click “going” and not go when I’m trying to work out how many tiny quiches to buy.”

“We clicked “going” because I didn’t want to hurt Silvia’s feelings,” said Mrs Petersen, “but we didn’t really have any intention of going, to be honest. Her parties aren’t that great, and we saw all the same people at a better party last week. Going to this one would just be a letdown after that.”

Mutual friend Terry Farmer, 44, said he can see the Petersen’s point but thinks clicking “going” and not going is just plain wrong. “The party last week was really great and, yes, there will be the same people at this one who’ll all be getting drunk and stoned and talking the same crap about their kids and work like we always do, but if you’re not going to go, don’t click “going,” said Mr Farmer.

“I always click ‘interested’; that way, if I decide I can’t be bothered or I get a better offer or think that the party might be boring, I can still look like I was going to come. They’ll think I made an effort when I didn’t, and that’s the most important thing.”

In late news, it can be revealed that Mr and Mrs Petersen did decide to drop in on the party for half an hour but quickly left when they saw no one else was there.