'For Fuck’s Sake, Move!' Woman Reacts to Husband Standing In Front of Cutlery Drawer Again




In what has become an increasing problem at home, wife and mother Sarah Walters, 34, has had an uncontrolled outburst at her husband, who was standing in front of the cutlery drawer again.

Mrs Walters, who was in a hurry to clean up the kitchen before rushing off to pick up their eldest from soccer, claims her  outburst was completely justified.

“I was in the kitchen trying to put the dishes away and attempting to get dinner ready”, said the frustrated mum. “Then Greg wanders in to make a coffee or something and stands right in front of the cutlery drawer!”

It was at this point Mrs Walters, who was about to put some knives and forks in the drawer, snapped at her husband. 

“That’s when she told me to move,” said Mr Walters. 

The problem of Mr Walters getting in the way around the house escalated after the 38-year-old plumbing supplies distributor started working from home. 

“It was an issue prior to that”, said Mrs Walters, “but having him at home so much has made it a lot worse. I’ll go to use our bathroom sink; he’s brushing his teeth; I’ll want to put something back in the fridge; he’s right in front of it; I’ll try to open my side of the bedroom cupboard; his side is open. So annoying.”

Mr Walters, who says the problem is often unavoidable, claimed his wife can be just as bad. “She does it too,” he mumbled.

Mrs Walters, who has since set up a roster that only allows her husband to move around the house between the hours of midnight and 4 am, said it was the only way she could see to remedy the situation. “All I want is to be able to put my fucking spoons away! Is that too much to ask?”



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